Cprm Decrypter Sony Entertainment
My partner is Japanese and we often receive TV programs recorded on DVD from friends in Japan on a regular basis.With the national change over in Japan to Digital Broadcasting our friends have recently upgraded their equipment. This month is the first time we received a CPRM (Copy Protect Recordable Media) with a video format.VRO.Japan has embraced CPRM technology and the recorded DVD is produced by recording TV programs using a PVR (Personal Video Recorder) or DVR (Digital Video Recorder).The CPRM DVD would not play in Australia on our region free DVD player or either MAC or Windows computer.After some searching for a.VRO file player / converter, I discovered that CPRM DVD's are encrypted with a machine specific code.
Which means the DVD can only be played back on the original PVR or DVR.So after multiple forums later - I discovering that normal DVD copy software MAC & PC was no match for the CPRM encryption. I finally stubbled across a nice little program called relCPRM.exe on a Japanese forum. I though I would share this solution with everyone else.The original Japanese post is here:This program basically copies the source from the CPRM in your computer DVD reader, removes the encryption and saves the decrypted.VRO file to your computer.Note: Not all DVD readers will mount the CPRM. My iMac would mount the volume, however all files were 0k and were protected, so I could not copy them. My Windows XP machine would mount the volume and I could also see the.VRO file size.
Use discs with 'For Video' on their packaging for TV programs; discs with 'For data' for PC data. Cprm Decrypter Sony Handycam. To record TV.
Copying this file to the computer did not help as it was still encrypted.THE SOLUTIONStep 1 - Download relCPRM.exe here Step 2 - Unzip the file to your windows hard driveStep 3 - Mount the CPRM in your PC DVD reader and allow Windows to scan the volumeStep 4 - Launch relCPRM.exeStep 5 - Although in Japanese click on the BROWSE button to the right of the first text field - this is the SOURCE locationStep 6 - Navigate to the.VRO file. In this case /DVDRTAV/VRMOVIE.VROStep 7 - Although in Japanese click on the BROWSE button to the right of the second text field - this is the DESTINATION locationStep 8 - Leave all the setting as default - do not change!Step 9 - Click the START ButtonStep 10 - On completion of the decryption and copy you will be presented with a 'Process completed' pop-up window - just click OKPC usersI followed the original Post suggestion and downloaded / Converter 30 day trial. Is able to play the.VRO file format directly.
So you can either watch on your computer or convert it to a different file format. Thanks, cprmbuster!
Your directions worked perfectly.1) decode the cprm encryption using relCPRM2) use something like MPEGstreamclip to convert the vro to mpg3) burn to dvd (I used vision 10, which is on sale right now for $50 on their website).My only problem with relCPRM is getting the japanese characters to display in the applet or whatever it is - did you use a native japanese version of windows, or use a regional setting?? Twould be nice if I could see the japanese rather than the gobbledygook that my win7 computer makes of it. But hey, it still works!
Does ANYONE know where I can get a copy of CPRMgetKey that doesn't have a virus. I used the link above very successfully for the month of December and into early January, and then suddenly CPRMgetKey had a virus and was deleted by my Anti Virus Software.
I tried downloading the link above again, but the virus is in the zip itself. I tried searching all over the internet, but all the Japanese site ones that I tried had the virus.I joined 3 different file download sites (they apparently had CPRMgetKey in their lists) but after a week of frustration with each one, it emerged that all no longer had the file available.I found one at: (see below) which my Anti Virus says is clean, but it is password protected, and the link to the password site no longer exits. I tried 2 different Win Rar password crackers, but both say that it is not a Win Rar file, even though my computer says it is Win Rar file, and Win Rar opens it no problem, but without the password I can't extract it.I'm DESPERATE after about 3 weeks of frustration - Can anyone offer a solution? HiI can't BELIEVE I'm back here again so quickly. Since my last post I've been using relCPRM and CPRMgetKey VERY successfully - Up to last night in fact! This morning when I tried to run it (after temporarily disabling Norton 360), Windows 7 suddenly comes up and says: relCPRM is incompatible.I then tried running it under the compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 2) and when that didn't work all the way back to windows 2000.WHAT could be the problem now?? (I've also tried restarting the computer (twice!!), all to no avail).
Dear JagaboThanks for the upload - I tried it, and it makes no difference. I attach screen shots of the error message. It occurs when I try to select the DVD drive that contains the.vro file to decrypt. The source file. (The D: drive in my case).It has no problems selecting the destination location on the computer.
I even tried copying the.vro file to my hard drive and then selecting it from there as the source (instead of from the DVD RAM drive), but it gives the same error. The DVD RAM disc is ok - It copies in its entireity onto my computer with no errors and plays ok on my DVD player.What I find so puzzling is that it worked fine yesterday, and there have been no windows 7 updates since then. The only thing that has since received an update is Norton 360, but it's Windows that's giving the error, not Norton finding a virus?? Hi allMy disc definately DID have CPRM. I STILL have have Windows 7 (32 bit) saying relCPRM is incompatible (even though it was working fine the day before), and I checked ALL my programme updates - NOTHING was updated between when I switched off my computer and the next morning, so that remains a bit of a mystery.I found another Japanese site at:On this site they recommend CPRM Decrypter which decrypts my DVD's with no problem. I attach a zip with all the necessary files in case someone else has the same problem. The word document explains it all (translated from Japanese by Google, but it's good enough to get the gist).
The zip contains cprmgetkey.exe zipped as well as non, as I have told Norton 360 not to scan my zipped files, so that I can easily get cprmgetkey.exe back after I have temporarily turned Norton 360 off while decrypting. (It zaps cprmgetkey.exe while doing the routine scans, and I have often run full system checks after decrypting and my system comes up clean, apart from Norton zapping cprmgetkey.exe itself).I hope this helps someone else experiencing the same difficulties as myself! Well Hi everyone - thanks for all the posts.I have been watching the progress since my original post and it seems indeed that the relCPRM.exe has stopped working on my machine as well.I found an old forum dealing with this however the links to the files no longer exist.I'm recently back from a trip to Japan and I have 2 relatively cheap hardware options.I have purchased and tested both - ALL OK!1. Logitech portable external USB DVD (CPRM) player - AUS$47LOGITECH:PURCHASE:This comes with install dvd for ROXIO CINEPLAYER 5.3 (windows only!) YEN2,940 = AUS$29.40I gather that if you already have a PC DVD Reader that can mount the CPRM DVD, you will only require the software. This gave me a bit of hope!
I've just moved out of Japan and I've got a whole HD full of recorded TV shows I still haven't watched on my PS3. Problem is, I sold my PS3 Torne digital cable box, thinking that I wouldn't need it anymore as I'll be outside of Japan but I can probably still watch the recorded shows.Well, turns out I can't even enter the Torne program w/o connecting to the cable box!!!!
I started digging online to see if there's anyway for me to extract the videos and play them on a PC / Mac, that's when I found out that they're encrypted. Someone had made a hardware mod on the Torne itself so that it doen't encrypt new files, but that doesn't apply to me. Right now, a program like the relCPRM is my only hope!File names from PS3 Torne are.ts000 and a.rid - ch06192047.ts000, ch06192047.ridHopefully something will come out soon. A couple quick comments:relCPRM and the other tools referenced in this thread should perhaps be indexed in the TOOLS section here?I've not gone over this thread in detail yet, but may need to shortly. It may be that Posts #1 & 24 will turn out to be sufficient, in the absence of a formal guide. Still, I also made an effort to print out the translation of this pagewhich may (?) contain some additional info, but this did not work out, and I just got a few portions of it. Maybe use IE Tab, or IE itself?
Buy fan cooling for mac. Failing that, I guess I could just print out some JPEG snapshots of it. That ought to work. I thought this might be worth mentioning, because you can't always find the guide you'd ideally like to find, and printing translated pages seems to be a problem.