Nexremote For Mac
Many Celestron scopes can use NexRemote to run all Hand Control (HC). (Edit→Preferences in Windows, AstroPlanner→Preferences on Mac OS X).
A photo of Celestron’s NexRemote emulator for Windows.NexRemote is exactly what it sounds like. It’s literally a program that emulates the look and functionality of an actual NexRemote controller that comes with some of Celestron’s telescopes. So how do we connect our “virtual” NexRemote to our telescope without a cable? That’s where SkyQLinkPC comes in – it’s the gap-filler. In a nutshell, the SkyQLinkPC program is configured to connect to your telescope’s SkyQLink module, then your “virtual” NexRemote is configured to connect to SkyQLinkPC which then connects you to your scope without any cables! Confused, yet?! Let me give you a run-down on how I found success.Step 1 Assuming you already have everything powered-up (ie. Extending mendelian genetics study guide houghton mifflin.
PC and telescope), connected (ie. SkyQLink WIFI module), downloaded (ie. The above software), and installed — go to your PC and connect to a WIFI network/access point called “SkyQLink-80” or the like. A photo of SkyQLinkPC’s configuration panel.Step 2 Open SkyQLinkPC. You may need to make a small configuration here.
Under the SkyQLinkPC Settings, I have the SkyQLink IP set to, the TCP Port is set to 2000, and the COM Port is set to COM4. Click on “Connect”.
If you see a green light appear on the bottom-left corner, next to “Port XXXX”, then you are good to go. Basically, you are now connected to your telescope’s SkyQLink 2 module.Step 3 Open NexRemote. The PC Port should match the COM Port that was assigned on SkyQLinkPC; mine is COM4. Mount Model should match your scope model; mine is a NexStar 130 SLT so I chose “SLT Series”. For Firmware, I chose “SLTLCM 4.21”. For Virtual Port, choose a port that is not already being used; I decided on COM6. Click the OK button.
Check SkyQLinkPC – are both lights green on left side now? If YES then you are connected to your SkyQLink module and should be able to control the telescope.Step 4 Test your connection. Try to slew your scope by either clicking on the “virtual” keypad’s arrow buttons with your mouse or use the arrow keys on your keyboard. Did it work?TIPS. If you’re having issues installing the programs above in Windows 8 or later, try this: right-click over the installer and choose Properties Compatibility. Under Compatibility Mode, check the box and choose Windows 7. Attempt to reinstall.
NexRemote has a pretty cool feature that allows you to optionally use a gamepad to control your scope! How cool is that?
The bad – only a select few are pre-configured to work. You will need to edit the Joystick.ini file to add more however, I recently was able to use a PS3 Dual Shock 3 controller (connected to a computer via USB), and it works pretty well! Better DS3 will allow you to create a key-binding profile so you can assign keyboard keys (that are usable in NexRemote) to your gamepad’s configuration. Using SkyQLinkPC and NexRemote works flawlessly on my MacBook Pro while booted from a Windows 7 partition but I’m not having much luck getting it to work in a virtual machine environment (ie. Windows 8.1 in Virtual Box).
Pop-Up Info Window(close when finished)Software and Apps Compatible with CelestronTelescopesFollowing is a list of programs that claim compatibility with various models of NexStartelescopes. The only one I can personally attest to is my program, NexStar ObserverList. All costs are in US dollars and you should certainly visit the vendor's website and study their latest information prior to purchase. If you know of any errorsin the information below or of any additional programs, please email me at.NexStar Observer ListCost: FreeWeb Site: You're on it! Check out the NexStarObserver List section.Computer Systems Supported: WindowsModels of NexStar Supported: Original GT, New GT,StarSeeker,NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT,CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GTDescription: Observation session planning software.Pocket NexStar Observer ListCost: FreeWeb Site: You're on it!
Download latest flashtool for xperia. Check out the NexStarObserver List section.Computer Systems Supported: Pocket PCs running WindowsCE 3.0 or Pocket PC OS 2002 or higherModels of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5i/8i/8iSE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GTDescription: Works with NexStar Observer List to allow a PocketPCto work through an Observer List, directing the scope to slew to eachobject on the list.NexStar Control PadCost: FreeWeb Site: You're on it!