Quarkxpress 9 Quark X Press 9 For Mac
QuarkXPress 7 Upgrade Mac/Win Quark XPress. Brand: Quark. Free shipping. See similar items. QuarkXpress 4.1 MAC CD electronic desktop publishing page layout design tools! Brand: Quark. $4.99 shipping. New Listing Quark Xpress 6.1 Mac OS FREE SHIPPING. (QuarkXPress 9 requires a Mac Intel under OS X) Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit) - needs at least 9.5.1, Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows Vista and; Windows XP. QuarkXPress 9.5.4 fixes the issue of QuarkXPress crashing on Mavericks when moving boxes. QuarkXPress fixes the issue of the virtually invisible mouse cursor on newer Apple.
By - 2015, December 28 - 3:43amA riddle why all the language files have had been added.I think this was a form of 'Passport Editions' before QXP 4.0 and the hardware dongle and before they were called 'Passport'.I have a very similar CD for QXP 3.31, it has all of international install sets too. I guess if you wanted to install other languages you needed to contact Quark and purchase additional licenses - Just guessing on all of the above.Its good having multiple languages on the CD, you only need to find a suitable floppy for what you require from it.I was able to install the UK English version, 24bit, by building a new 'standard install CD' from only the English content from this CD and using the 'virgin' floppy image from the other QXP 3.x page that's here (linked in tmm's post, below).The install worked great, so thank you, indeed. By - 2014, February 15 - 6:22pmthe difference between a 'virginized' installer and one like QuarkRenamer where you change after installation is simple.
A 'virginized' installer, you put in more than just your name and business.you fill out the registration for Quark again. With QuarkRenamer, you install whatever version you have and you use QuarkRenamer to change the name branding on the splash screen.note that using QuarkRenamer doesn't update the registration information, it just changes the splash screen. After using QuarkRenamer, I can still see the original registration person's information, not my own. By - 2014, February 4 - 1:32amHi tmm: I should have updated that comment ages ago on reflection.
Read my previous post below, posted '2014, January 31'. I get into describing how Quark Renamer for 4.0 appeared to work initially, but after a couple of restarts or less it went cactus and I had to reinstall from backups. I think I'd better update my post on that page now, too.However, Quark Renamer for 4.0 (if it worked 100%) only lets you replace an installed copy of QXP's username in the About QXP dialog box, whereas blackholemac is really after an Installer floppy disk 'virginizer' for QXP.blackholemac may be onto something with his notes about xpress-re-serialize-v3-4 but its going to be a difficult find I think. By - 2014, January 31 - 1:38pm@themacmeister and @MikeTomTomlooked at all the options and having some trouble honestly with the ones that modify the installer.
QuarkRenamer works, but it doesn't change the registration file I discussed.just modifies the splash screen. Of course I am using a read/write disk image (with an original put away safely) and I was able to modify it properly.
The trouble I'm having is that after I run these resource replacements on the Installer Disk, the installer seems to think it is an upgrader.According to the third download (a Word document explaining the whole thing) on:, there is a note midway down that document that says I might be missing an extension called 'Read Registration' and notes that it is included. It doesn't seem to be included in any of your downloads. If someone has that, please feel free to upload it.
I think this will work in the end, but I simply need that file.blackholemac. Quark 5.0 (full version) for Windows was released on a cover disc for some magazine. I have a copy backed up somewhere. It's a shame they did not do the same for the Mac version of 3.32/4/5.I have a pristine installer floppy image for Quark 4.0 (Passport?).
I might crank up the old G4 iMac and search my backups. I can only work with floppy images, but can convert it to writable with DiskUtil.
Obviously, keeping the image locked until absolutely necessary (and working off a backup) is the way to go.More news soon.EDIT: Here is the install CD -PS. Nisus Writer RULES! By - 2014, January 30 - 10:19pm@blackholemac: Thank you for the useful information in your post. I hadn't heard of the 'option trick' with QXP before. Interesting tho' is the IE PPC copy I put up here.
Holding the option key down and getting info on it, gives back good info on the application itself but buttons to open info on the registered user are grayed out and cannot be viewed. So maybe that's a plus. It was Mac OS 9.1 that I tried it on tho' and it might be different on earlier Mac OS's, which I'll test it out on later.Of the QXP patchers here that themacmeister has pointed out, QuarkRenamer for 4.0 patches an installed copy of QXP 3 and later. I thought that it worked OK initially, but it after a day or so it develops a problem where it decides its no longer a legit program (reports a problem and informs you that you need to contact Quark, then exits). So I needed to then re-install QXP from unpatched backups. The patcher Xpress Repersonalize patches a registered floppy but it then becomes a floppy that wants to update a previous installed version of QXP so it fails to work on your existing QXP which will be the same version as the floppy you've patched. So I'm not sure if it works at all.Sad to say, I haven't had any real success with QXP floppy disk patches to date.Re your comment about Word 5.1a.
I do have a unregistered floppy disk installation set for this. I'd assumed that this would be up here already so never checked.
Guess I'll make a garden page for it sometime in the near future. By - 2014, January 29 - 3:31pmI recently purchased a boxed copy of QuarkXPress 3.32 that includes 68k and PPC installers on a single floppy combined with a single CD. It also included original floppy installers to update to 3.32r5 for both 68k and PPC. Got it for $5 on Amazon. Almost totally pristine save for the fact that the previous owner did go through the registration process with it.
The problem is that Quark at that time required users to register and use a User Registration Disk to output the registration to and it was up to you whether to mail the User Registration Disk back to them or not. Once you completed said registration, it permanently modified the installer floppy with the registration info. Very similar to MS Word 5.1a. It's hard to find an MS Word 5.1a installation floppy set untouched. The only way I have gotten Word 5.1a untouched was to use an MS Office CD.There used to be a utility out there somewhere that removed that personalization from Quark, but I haven't seen it online in a long time. If anyone knows of it, please post.
I will consider uploading my Quark find to BetaArchive, but don't want folks hammering the original user. You can easily see all the user registration info for a given copy of Quark by holding down the Option key and going to About QuarkXPress under the Apple menu while in the QuarkXPress application. Granted.we are dealing with 15-18 year old info, but still.don't want that original user getting prank phone calls or mailings.Let me know what others say on the issue,blackholemac. By - 2014, January 1 - 3:25am@macjames: I tried it on both SheepShaver (SSW 7.6.1) and my beige G3 running OS 9.1, the G3 being my only remaining PPC Mac capable of booting to a classic Mac OS.

Results were the same in both instances.The name of the CD when mounted is the same name that the installer app asks for when it asks for disk 2 or the CD.Because the install floppy is for a US PPC QXP, its likely there is a file its looking for on the CD that isn't there. I live in Australia so the CD will be international English specific, I can only assume. The pity is, it does nothing, no dialog pops up saying it can't file blah blah blah on the CD. Nada.I can archive the CD here, on the off-chance that the correct install floppy for it will eventually surface. But I think that you'll find the install floppy that we have is not suitable. By - 2013, December 31 - 10:00pmThanks, meeno for the floppy images and updaters.
One small issue I have with it is the archive and install disk 1 all have been exposed at some stage to a Mac OS X system and have invisible.DSStore files throughout and a.Trash &.DSStore files in the mounted install disk 1Since the installer asks for disk 2 or 'quarkXpress 3.31 CDROM' it would be awesome if an image of such CD would appear here.@macjames: I have a QXP 3.31 CD, but the installer on meeno's Install floppy refuses to acknowledge it as being the correct CD. It just does not see it. I'd acquired this CD minus the Install 1 floppy and its useless without it. Its a pity, because the CD has other language versions on it too, German, Spanish, etc.
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I've just purchased QuarkXPress versions 2.1.2 and version 3.0, floppy disk boxed sets including manuals. So once they arrive I'll image and archive them here.
Likely sometime next week.Edit hate to report, but. I got burnt on this purchase. Disks looked like someone had spilled coffee over them. Some disks were readable but not enough to recover either 2.1.2 or 3.0 to be be usable.
Trying to recover my losses now.