Divinity Original Sin 2 Source Collar Remove
LeyaLeya is a in Divinity: Original Sin 2.Leya information. Leya can remove all Source Collars still equipped to the team with one of these conditions:. After Gareth has been saved. Using 's special dialogue to calm her down.Leya location.
Leya first appears in X:441 Y:16. Leya temporarily stays at the sanctuary during. Leya may also be found on the Lady Vengeance, before Reaper's Coast.Notes and Tips.
R/DivinityOriginalSin: Subreddit for discussions about Divinity: Original Sin, Divinity Original Sin 2, and other Larian Games. Lost fight Arena, can't remove collar. Posted by 1 year ago. Lost fight Arena, can't remove collar. I lost my fight in the arena, I'm not the one but would like to try again so that I can.
Leya can fight along side you on the Lady Vengeance. She does not survive the battle to Reaper's Coast.
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